United State Elected Officials

Elected:                                                                                                            Term Expires:

11/5/24            President of the United States (Republican)                                1/3/2029

                        Donald J Trump

                        The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

                        Washington, D.C.

                        Telephone: 202-456-1414

                        Email: President@whitehouse.gov

                        Vice-President of the United States: JD Vance


11/04/14          United States Senator (Republican)                                           1/3/27

                        Gary PETERS

                        Hart Senate Office Building, Suite 724

                        Washington, D.C. 20510

                        Telephone: 202-224-6221

                        FAX: 202-224-1388


11/05/24         United States Senator (Democratic)                                          1/3/29

                        Elissa Slotkin

                        133 Hart Senate Office Building

                        Washington, D.C. 20510

                        Telephone: 202-224-4822

                        E-mail senator@stabenow.senate.gov

                        Upper Peninsula Office:

                        1901 West Ridge

                        Marquette, Michigan 49855

                        Telephone: 906-228-8756


1/03/2017        United States Representative 1st District (Republican)               1/3/27

                        Jack BERGMAN

                        414 Cannon HOB

                         Washington, DC 20515

                         Phone: (202) 225 4735

                         Fax: (202) 225-4710


                        Upper Peninsula Office:

                        1500 W. Washington Ave., Suite 2

                         Marquette, MI 49855

                         Phone: (906) 273-2227      


Michigan Supreme Court, Chief Justice, Robert P Young, Jr.

Hall of Justice, 6th Floor

925 West Ottawa, P.O. Box 30052

Lansing, Michigan 48915                                                           Telephone: 313-972-3250