Meetings at the call of the Chairperson - 4 year term
Penny Carlson, Republican appointee
379N Michibay Dr
Manistique, Michigan 49854
Appointed, 8/6/24. Term expires 10/31/27
James CURRAN, Republican appointee
7524W Riverview Drive
Manistique, Michigan 49854
Appointed, 3/26/15. Term expires 10/31/25
Barb Pollis, Democrat appointee
4425W S Michibay Dr
Manistique, Michigan 49854
Appointed 9/14/23. Term expires 10/31/27
Jane Kopecky Democrat appointee
1151 Birch Street
Manistique, Michigan 49854
Appointed, 11/7/24. Term expires 10/31/25
Clerk of the Canvass Board
Beth A. EDWARDS, County Clerk Term of Office
300 Walnut Street, Room 164
Manistique, Michigan 49854
Telephone: 906-341-3618